Minnesota Supreme Court Allows Employers to Limit Payment of Accrued PTO to Discharged Employees

In November 2007, the Minnesota Supreme Court issued a highly anticipated ruling which put widespread fears to rest that employers would no longer be permitted to shape the nature and extent of employee vacation benefits. The Court held in Lee v. Fresenius Medical Care, Inc., 741 N.W.2d 117 (Minn. 2007), that vacation benefits are wholly […]
Legal Assistant Joni L. Spratt Joins the Firm

Trepanier & MacGillis P.A. is pleased to announce that legal assistant Joni L. Spratt has joined the Firm effective June 14, 2004. Joni has extensive experience as a legal assistant, legal secretary, and law firm administrator. Prior to joining Trepanier & MacGillis P.A., Joni worked for Zimmerman Reed PLLP. Before that, Joni worked with Minneapolis […]
Trepanier & MacGillis P.A. Moves to Minneapolis

Minneapolis, Minnesota Law Firm Craig W. Trepanier and James C. MacGillis are pleased to announce the formation of their new law firm, Trepanier & MacGillis P.A. Effective October 1, 2003, the Firm has moved its office to downtown Minneapolis in the Flour Exchange Building, adjacent to the Federal Courthouse and two blocks from the Hennepin […]
Craig W. Trepanier Speaks at Minnesota Safety Council Annual Conference

On May 7, 2003, Craig W. Trepanier spoke on the topic of motor carrier liability for trucking accidents at the Minnesota Safety Council Annual Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The presentation covered theories of liability including negligent hiring, retention, supervision, and negligent entrustment of a motor vehicle. The session ended with a discussion of DOT regulations […]
Craig W. Trepanier Speaks at Minnesota Alcohol Traffic Safety Administration (MATSA) Conference

On April 24, 2003, Craig W. Trepanier spoke on the topic of drug and alcohol testing in the workplace at the Minnesota Alcohol Traffic Safety Administration (MATSA) Conference in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Overall, the MATSA Conference was a great success. Craig thanks Shelley Saukko, the entire organization, and everyone who attended for inviting him to […]