Trepanier MacGillis Battina P.A.
8000 Flour Exchange Building
310 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415
If you have not already incorporated, we will help you consider your entity options and then provide the level of services needed to help you fulfill your business goals. TMB can register your business with the Minnesota Secretary of State, create your S-corporation, C-corporation, limited liability company (LLC), or other legal entity quickly and effectively. We can help advise you if special registrations or licenses are required following incorporation.
Don’t make the mistake of assuming there is nothing more to creating an entity than filing a simple set of articles. Further, before using a web-based program that applies a cookie-cutter approach to entity formation, speak with one of the business law attorneys of TMB.
TMB attorneys will identify pitfalls and help you establish a solid foundation for your new business. We offer flat-fee arrangements for registering Minnesota businesses.
Please call us now or complete the contact form below to learn how we can help you register your Minnesota business. We look forward to the possibility of representing you.
To schedule your initial legal consultation, call us now at 612.455.0500.
If you prefer, fill out the contact form below.
Copyright © 2001 – 2023 Trepanier MacGillis Battina P.A.